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Digital and Online Safety

We believe that every child should have the opportunity to become confident, competent and creative users of digital technology and responsible digital citizens. They are taught and develop new skills using laptops and iPads in the classrooms, both as tools to support learning in other subjects, and to develop the necessary specific computing skills that they will need in a digital world.
We aim to give all children opportunities to use a wide range of software in order to remove barriers to their learning, prepare them for participation in a rapidly changing digital world and develop their skills in an engaging and creative way, whilst covering the curriculum. Every child in Year 4, 5 and 6 have an iPad which they access on a regular basis within class. 
We believe that online safety is incredibly important and is taught both alongside the rest of the curriculum and as a stand alone subject at least once a half term. The children need to know that there are many positive experiences to be had using technology, they just need to be done in a way that they are safe. If you would like more information on how to be safe online, is a good place to visit.